
стихи. [english only]

Как много я раньше писала стихов… как забавно их выкапывать… хотя, ничего не изменилось с того времени…

What is wrong with the world today?
People going back and forth, people kill and betray.
Something really strange and queer going on and on,
Am I so much goddamn weird not to let it burn?
Am I so much more of cranky? Am I so inane?
Is it heavy to be kind? Is it hard to pray?
Is it sane to shoot the children? Has the world just cracked?
Many questions never figured and no answers yet.

Lord, please, stop it! Lord, please, cease! Never let us cry!
Dear Father, break us down or better let us die.
For we merit of no mercy, we have gained the cuss,
For the women shooting children,
For the time is passing fast.

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